Monday 23 July 2012

Data Import in AX 2012 - Employee

HCMWorker (employee or worker) import

In Cumulative Update 2 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, a new HCMWorkerImport service was added. This service can be used to import employees or workers into the system. When you use this service, your code will create new HCMWorker, HCMEmployment, and HCMEmploymentDetail objects, and will use dirPartyAddressView and dirPartyContactView, similar to the customer import sample code.

Expose an inbound port for the HCMWorker service
To call the service, you need to expose the service on a new inbound port in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
1. Click System administration > Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework > Inbound ports, and then click New.
2. Give the new port a name, such as HCMWorkerImport Services.
3. Enter a description.
4. Under Service Contract Customizations, click Service Operations. The Select service operations form opens.

5. Select the HCMWorkerImportService operations, move them to the Selected operations pane, and then click Close.
6. In the Inbound ports form, click Activate.
You can now access the service externally by using the WSDL URI.

HCMWorkerImport service to create an employee in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.


Middle name

Street name
Opp: Maroli Bus Depot,  Marol Maroshi,
ZIP/postal Code
Mobile phone
Personal Email Id



Date Of Joining

Set up the HCMWorker service reference in Visual Studio

1. Open Visual Studio, and create a new project.
2. Add a new service reference by using the WSDL URI for the HCMWorker service from the Inbound ports form.
3. Add a Using statement for the service reference.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Worker.HcmDataImportService;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 

namespace Worker
    public partial class HcmWorkers : Form

        internal static int Personalnumber = 0;
        internal static int Employeetype = 1;
        internal static int firstname = 2;
        internal static int Middlename = 3;
        internal static int LastName = 4;
        internal static int Title = 5;
        internal static int Birthday = 6;
        internal static int Streetname = 7;
        internal static int ZIPCode = 8;
        internal static int City = 9;
        internal static int State = 10;
        internal static int Country = 11;
        internal static int phone = 12;
        internal static int mobile = 13;
        internal static int Fax = 14;
        internal static int Bemail = 15;
        internal static int Pemail = 16;
        internal static int sal = 17;
        internal static int Suffix = 18;
        internal static int Joindate = 19;
        internal static int Gender = 20;
        internal static int Maritialstatus = 21;

        public static List<string[]> ParseCSVFile(string path, Boolean hasHeaders)


            List<string[]> CSVRows = new List<string[]>();

            int rowNumber = 0;

            using (StreamReader inputFile = new StreamReader(path))


                string line;
                string[] line1;

                while ((line = inputFile.ReadLine()) != null)

                    String pattern = ",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))";

                    Regex r = new Regex(pattern);

                    line1 = r.Split(line);

                    if (hasHeaders != true || rowNumber != 0)







            return CSVRows;


        public HcmWorkers()


        public void createHcmWorker(String[] _WorkerData)


            HcmWorkerImportServiceClient hcmSvcClient = new HcmWorkerImportServiceClient();

            AxdHcmWorkerImport workerDocument = new AxdHcmWorkerImport();

            AxdEntity_HcmWorker worker = new AxdEntity_HcmWorker();

            AxdEntity_HcmWorker[] workerList = new AxdEntity_HcmWorker[1];

            AxdEntity_HcmWorkerTitle workerTitle = new AxdEntity_HcmWorkerTitle();

            AxdEntity_DirPerson_DirPerson person = new AxdEntity_DirPerson_DirPerson();

            AxdEntity_DirPersonName personName = new AxdEntity_DirPersonName();

            AxdEntity_HcmPersonDetails personDetails = new AxdEntity_HcmPersonDetails();

            AxdEntity_HcmPersonPrivateDetails personPrivateDetails = new


            AxdEntity_HcmEmployment employment = new AxdEntity_HcmEmployment();

            AxdEntity_HcmEmploymentDetail employmentDetail = new


            AxdEntityKey_DirNameAffix[] affix = new AxdEntityKey_DirNameAffix[2];

            AxdEntity_DirPartyPostalAddressView[] postalAddView = new


            postalAddView[0] = new AxdEntity_DirPartyPostalAddressView()


                LocationName = "EmployeeAddr",

                BuildingCompliment = "EmplBuildCompliment",

                City = _WorkerData[City],

                State = _WorkerData[State],

                ZipCode = _WorkerData[ZIPCode],

                Street = _WorkerData[Streetname],

                CountryRegionId = _WorkerData[Country],

                Roles = "Home",

                IsPrimary = AxdExtType_LogisticsIsPrimaryAddress.Yes


            //Add the party Address to the person
            person.DirPartyPostalAddressView = postalAddView;

            //Create a contact for the person. You can add a loop and add as many address and

            //types you want to here

            AxdEntity_DirPartyContactInfoView[] contactList = new


            contactList[0] = new AxdEntity_DirPartyContactInfoView()


                LocationName = "Employee Telephone",

                //Value of locator will vary by type.

                Locator = _WorkerData[phone],

                IsPrimarySpecified = true,

                IsPrimary = AxdEnum_NoYes.Yes,

                TypeSpecified = true,

                Type = AxdEnum_LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType.Phone,

                Roles = "Business"


            contactList[1] = new AxdEntity_DirPartyContactInfoView()


                LocationName = "Employee Mobile",

                Locator = _WorkerData[mobile],

                IsPrimarySpecified = true,

                IsPrimary = AxdEnum_NoYes.Yes,

                TypeSpecified = true,

                Type = AxdEnum_LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType.Phone,

                Roles = "Business"


            contactList[2] = new AxdEntity_DirPartyContactInfoView()


                LocationName = "Employee Fax",

                Locator = _WorkerData[Fax],

                IsPrimarySpecified = true,

                IsPrimary = AxdEnum_NoYes.Yes,

                TypeSpecified = true,

                Type = AxdEnum_LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType.Fax,

                Roles = "Home"


            contactList[3] = new AxdEntity_DirPartyContactInfoView()


                LocationName = "Employee email",

                Locator = _WorkerData[Bemail],

                IsPrimarySpecified = true,

                IsPrimary = AxdEnum_NoYes.Yes,

                TypeSpecified = true,

                Type = AxdEnum_LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType.Email,

                Roles = "Home"


            contactList[4] = new AxdEntity_DirPartyContactInfoView()


                LocationName = "Personal email",

                Locator = _WorkerData[Pemail],

                IsPrimarySpecified = true,

                IsPrimary = AxdEnum_NoYes.No,

                TypeSpecified = true,

                Type = AxdEnum_LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType.Email,

                Roles = "Home"



            //Add the contacts to the person

            person.DirPartyContactInfoView = contactList;

            personName.LastName = _WorkerData[LastName];

            personName.FirstName = _WorkerData[firstname];

            personName.MiddleName = _WorkerData[Middlename];


            //Assign PersonName to DirPersonName

            person.DirPersonName = personName;

            person.HcmPersonDetails = personDetails;

            DateTime convertedDate2 = DateTime.Parse(_WorkerData[Birthday]);

            System.DateTime univDateTime2 = convertedDate2.ToUniversalTime();

            personPrivateDetails.BirthDate = univDateTime2;

            personPrivateDetails.BirthDateSpecified = true;


            //Assign person private Details to the person

            person.HcmPersonPrivateDetails = personPrivateDetails;

            person.ProfessionalTitle = _WorkerData[Title];

            //Assign the person to the worker

            worker.DirPerson = person;

            //Create the employment array for the worker

            AxdEntity_HcmEmployment[] employmentList = new AxdEntity_HcmEmployment[1];

            //Set the employment ValidTo and ValidFrom Fields

            AxdExtType_HcmEmploymentValidFrom employmentValidFrom = new


            //employmentValidFrom.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(_WorkerData[Joindate]);//UtcNow.AddYears(-5);

            DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.Parse(_WorkerData[Joindate]);

            System.DateTime univDateTime = convertedDate.ToUniversalTime();

            employmentValidFrom.Value = univDateTime;

            AxdExtType_HcmEmploymentValidTo employmentValidTo = new


            //Set the properties to the employment object

            employment.ValidFrom = employmentValidFrom;

            // employment.ValidTo = employmentValidTo;

            employment.LegalEntity = "HYD";

            employment.EmploymentType = AxdEnum_HcmEmploymentType.Employee;

            //Create an employment Detail object and set the start date

            AxdExtType_HcmEmploymentStartDateTime employmentStartDate = new


            // AxdExtType_Hcm transitiondate = new AxdExtType_EndDateTime();

            //transitiondate.Value = DateTime.Parse(_WorkerData[]);


            DateTime convertedDate1 = DateTime.Parse(_WorkerData[Joindate]);

            System.DateTime univDateTime1 = convertedDate.ToUniversalTime();

            employmentStartDate.Value = univDateTime;

            employmentDetail.WorkerStartDate = employmentStartDate;

            //Assign the Detail to the employment object

            employment.HcmEmploymentDetail = employmentDetail;

            //Assign the employment object to the employment list

            employmentList[0] = employment;

            worker.HcmEmployment = employmentList;

            //Assign values to the worker title object

            AxdExtType_HcmEmploymentSeniorityDateTime seniorityDateEDT = new


            // seniorityDateEDT.Value = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1);

            // workerTitle.SeniorityDate = seniorityDateEDT;

            workerTitle.OfficeLocation = "Room101";

            //Assign worker Title to Worker

            worker.HcmWorkerTitle = workerTitle;

            //Set the Personnel number. This must be unique for each worker record.

            worker.PersonnelNumber = _WorkerData[Personalnumber];//"ImportSVCNum1";

            //worker.d = _WorkerData[ProdNumber];


            affix[0] = new AxdEntityKey_DirNameAffix()

                AffixType = AxdEnum_DirNameAffixType.PersonalPrefix,
                Affix = _WorkerData[sal]


            affix[1] = new AxdEntityKey_DirNameAffix()

                AffixType = AxdEnum_DirNameAffixType.PersonalSuffix,
                Affix = _WorkerData[Suffix] 


            //Create the worker element in the document

            workerDocument.HcmWorker = new AxdEntity_HcmWorker[1];

            //assign the worker to the document

            workerDocument.HcmWorker[0] = worker;

            workerDocument.DocPurpose = AxdEnum_XMLDocPurpose.Original;

            workerDocument.DocPurposeSpecified = true;

            //Call the create on the service with the worker document

            EntityKey[] ek = hcmSvcClient.create(null, workerDocument);


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //Read in your .csv file however you want to
            //This is just provided as a reference

            List<string[]> HcmData = ParseCSVFile("D:\\Employee_Singu.csv", true); 

            foreach (string[] HcmMasterData in HcmData)








  1. How can I import employees (Names only) from an excel sheet ?

  2. Hi Raghavendar,
    I used the above code. while running the code i am facing "invalid data container type" error. how can i solve this.
    your help highly appreciated here.
    Thanks in advance.
