Saturday 28 July 2012

AX 2012 Data Migration Framework

Microsoft has released Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Data Migration Framework Beta.

You can download the beta release of MicrosoftDynamics AX 2012 Data Migration Framework (Beta)  from information source with Partner/Customer login.

The Data Migration Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is an extension that helps you migrate data into Microsoft Dynamics AX. For Example: master data, open stock, and balances.

The following diagram shows the architecture of the Data Migration Framework. Staging is a table that the Data Migration Framework creates in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database where the target entities reside. 

The following diagram shows the configuration steps that are required before you can migrate entities into Microsoft Dynamics AX. 

  1. The following entities available in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Data Migration Framework:
ü  Bill of materials (BOM)
ü  Contacts
ü  Contact addresses
ü  Customer
ü  Customer addresses
ü  Dimension
ü  Employees
ü  Employee addresses
ü  Inventory journal
ü  Ledger balances
ü  Main account
ü  Open invoices (accounts payable)
ü  Open invoices (accounts receivable)
ü  Open sales orders
ü  Open purchase orders
ü  Price disc
ü  Product
ü  Project
ü  Unit of measure
ü  Vendor
ü  Vendor address

When you define a processing group, you must identify sample data for each entity. The sample data is used to validate the source to staging mapping.

If you do not have sample data, you can use the Data Migration Framework to help define a template for the data, and then enter sample data in the template.

The approach is de-normalize the datasets that make up the Data model in AX 2012 with targeted staging tables. Then you have X++ code that work against the staging tables, to fill the normalized, and sometimes super normalized, datasets of AX 2012.
The following diagram shows the processes that run when data is copied from source to staging, and from staging to target.

  1. Source to staging processing
When an entity is copied from source to staging, a processing group that is associated with one or more entities runs as a job.
After processing has been completed, you should validate that the entity appears accurate in the staging table, and that the reference data is mapped correctly.
  1. Staging to target processing
When data is copied from staging to target, a job that is already defined, and that is associated with a processing group, runs.
After processing has been completed, you should validate that the entity appears accurate in the target table.
  1. After the migration has been completed successfully, we recommend that you delete the staging data.
Microsoft strongly recommend to delete the staging data after migration is complete. It may contain high business impact information. 

After Downloading the files from Partner/Customer source. Click on the Setup file.

Setup should run on AOS Instance and on AX Client.


After Installation, increase the "Maximum buffer size" setting for your environment while you migrate data. Use the Server configuration utility to set the value.

When you open the Destination folder of installed objects, you can see the following files will be created.

Now we have to import the model file that came as part of the installation. Install the model file using the PowerShell command console.

Command: (If you have multiple instances on a single machine)
Install-AXModel -File c:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Data Migration Framework (Beta)\ DataMigrationFramework.axmodel –config $AOSInstanceName

After Model file installation, if you open the instance the following screen will be displayed. Because of the model store has been modified.

Click on the compile and synchronization, after completion of compilation and synchronization from the application, need to generate the FULL CIL compilation.

After compilation of FULL CIL, AX 2012 instance has the Data Migration Framework Beta version is deployed.

In My Next Article I will Post How to Use "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Data Migration Framework" 


  1. Dear I have installed the DMF and install the model for the specific instance within my machine. But the prob. thing is that when I opened my instance it didn't show me the screen which you have showed in this blog.
    It show me blank work space. I clicked new work space and perform the Initialize Checklist. what can be the problem happened with my case.

    1. There are two steps more steps you have to do after installation:

      1. Compile your application
      2. Sync Database Tables
      3. Compile your application again (May not require)

      See complete installation details at

      I have prepared a blog to share how to import data with screenshots.

      If need further help, feel free to contact me @ or

      Mansoor Adeel

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